Monday 22 August 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been working hard on a "Deck Guide" for Volcanics on the Pojo forum. Here is a link

I will be blogging more though I think the Card of the Day feature is dead for now.  Sorry.

Friday 12 August 2011


Sorry guys, I'm on vacation right now.  I will be back with Card of the Days and deck profiles around the 20th.  If there is anything else you want to see on this blog, just comment below, or sign up for YCM and PM Welche (aka me).  I would actually also like to find more people to contribute to this site, so you can apply with YCM or through a comment.  Thanks, bye!

Friday 5 August 2011


Monsters [Total - 19]
3x Ojama Black
3x Ojama Green
3x Ojama Yellow
3x Ojama Blue
3x Ojama Red
2x Green Baboon Defender of the Forest
2x Snipe Hunter

Spells [Total - 14]
1x Monster Reborn
3x Ojama Country
2x Ojama Delta Hurricane
3x Ojamagic
3x Polymerization
2x Pot of Avarice

Traps [Total - 7]
2x Bottomless Trap Hole (or Solemn Warning)
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck [Total - 6]
3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight

My favorite Ojama deck I have right now, this is actually the one I will be running for the upcoming online YCM Championship Series.  The fact that it says BTH or Solemn Warning is because that is how I would turn this from my Online deck to a budget deck I'm thinking about getting IRL.

Running three of each Ojama normal monster is key to this deck.  Here you either want to load your field with Ojamas or Special Summon a Fusion monster to lockdown.  Having the normal monsters here is important for both of those.  Ojama Blue is great.  It searches any Ojama card. Not just monster, but card.  Delta Hurricane, Magic or Country are all within your grasp with this card.  Ojama Red swarms like crazy.  It can set up for a Delta Hurricane or get you a couple rank 2 Xyzs.

Green Baboon is really good because all the Ojamas are beasts.  That means that my opponent hits one and I bring this out.  If only it was cool and could SS itself when it's destroyed.  Snipe Hunter is a bit of tech here.  This deck has so much hand control it's crazy.  Snipe Hunter can ditch Ojamagic for a possible +3 or at least a +2.  It can ditch Baboon which doesn't mater because Baboon is about just as useful in the Grave as it is in the hand.

The spell lineup is annoying because it lacks staples.  Help make space please?  Ojama Country is great. It makes King and Knight into huge beatsticks, it hurts your opponent most of the time and is really nice.  The Special Summoning effect is also nice.  You can discard Ojamagic to SS a monster and get a +3.  I feel this deck can get away with 2 Ojama Delta Hurricane because it does get cards in the hand fast, and with triple Red it is easy to set up.  Ojamagic searches all the time.  It gives this deck huge hand control and is just great.

Polymerization is the best fusion card for this deck in my opinion.  Future Fusion would dump them to the grave which is pointless and Super Poly never steals your opponents monsters.  Pot of Avarice is good because this deck does fill the grave fast and it also makes it possible for you to use a Ojamagic if you don't have enough Ojamas left in your deck.

The traps are all staples, and the extra should also be filled with Rank 2 xyzs because this can pump those out pretty fast.  Thanks for reading, bye!

Card of the Day - Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

Level 7 / Fish / WATER
ATK 2800 / DEF 2200
Once per turn you can discard 1 card to Special Summon as many Level 4 or lower Fish-Type monsters as possible from your deck.  A monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot declare an attack and it't effect(s) is negated while on the field.  If this card is targeted by a Spell, Trap or Effect monster's effect, you can tribute 1 other Fish-Type monster to negate the effect and destroy that card.

Ok so the first thing you need to do when looking at this card is get over it's name.  Ya it's impossible to remember so I will call it Big Fish, which is generally accepted by the internet as an appropriate name.  Right now this card is, in my opinion, the single card that makes a fish deck playable.  For this card, the Level is important because with A Legendary Ocean, it only requires one tribute.  That makes it quite good in ALO decks.  The level/attribute/type doesn't make much of a difference other then that.

This cards main power is in it's ability to be a +3.  Discard one card, just one and you get four monsters.  This card can OTK so easily it's not even funny.  The best thing to do is Special Summon a Fishborg, two Oyster Meister and that Level 1 fish.  That let's you get a Shooting Quasar Dragon  while gaining massive card advantage.

Another option is to grab 2 Level 4 fish tuners and 2 Level 4 fish non-tuners and which you can turn into any number of level 8s like Stardust, Scrap Dragon or Red Dragon Archfiend.  The fact that they can't attack and their effects are negated really isn't a downside at all.  If you keep the monsters on the field for an entire turn you are really doing it wrong.

The second effect is pretty pointless.  Since, as I have already stated, you wont keep the monsters this thing Special Summons on the field for long, chances are you wont have to destroy one to save this.  As for bringing this out, there are tons of options.  A Legendary Ocean, Mausoleum of the Emporer, Treeborn Frog and anything really.

This card is just fantastic and has made Fish good.  Hyper Librarian and Formula combined with this and Fishborg makes huge fields with more advantage.  Thanks for reading, bye!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Card of the Day - Zombie Master

Level 4 / Zombie /  DARK
1800 ATK / 0 DEF
Once per turn, you can send 1 Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower Zombie-Type Monster from either player's Graveyard.

Due to the fact that I have recently fallen in love with Skull Servants, I decided it is a good time to discuss Zombie Master.

When discussing a monster, I like to always start by talking about the basic stats and such not.  First, it's dark.  That gives it just so much support it's ridiculous.  With 0 DEF, you can retrieve it using Recurring Nightmare.  The fact that it's a Zombie lets you revive it so easily.  Mezuki, Book of Life, itself and other card.  Call of the Mummy lets you pull one from your hand as well.  Level 4 is fairly average.  The ATK is nice and high so it can run Tengu over.

Sending a card to the graveyard may be the cost of this card, but it is actually sometimes helpful.  It fills the Graveyard which is basically what Zombies love.  In Skull Servants you can drop Lady in Wight/Wightmare/King of Skull Servants/Skull Servant, all of which are helpful.  You can drop Mezuki to revive something else.  Drop Plaguespreader to SS it later.  Send whatever really.

Then SS is really obvious.  You can get Plague to go into a Level 6 Synchro, get any Level 4 and go into a Rank 3 xyz, get another Zombie Master, use it's effect and go into a Rank 4 that needs 3 materials.  Just SS anything you want really.  With Zombie World, steal anything from your opponents Graveyard.

In short, this card is great in zombies.  Thanks for reading, bye!

Dark Wojamas

Monsters [Total - 18]
2x Ojama Black
2x Ojama Green
2x Ojama Yellow
2x Ojama Blue
1x Ojama Red
2x Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
2x Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
2x Brron. Mad King of Dark World
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Honest

Spells [Total - 16]
1x Dark Hole
2x Dark World Dealings
1x Dark World Lightning
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Future Fusion
2x Gate to the Dark World
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
2x Ojama Country
2x Ojamagic
1x Terraforming

Traps [Total - 6]
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck [Total - 4]
2x Ojama Knight
2x Ojama King

Ok so first, a bit of an explanation about this deck.  The main concept in my mind if is to first discard any of the Dark Worlds or Ojamagic to instantly gain advantage.  Then you can spam monsters continuously, maybe a fusion summon here or there.  The deck is pretty simple.  Later on you can SS a Chaos Sorcerer to kill annoying things.

First the monster line-up.  Two of each normal Ojama because they are super cool.  I can dump them for Future Fusion, search them with Blue or Magic, and they are really the most important part of the deck.  Two Blues because it provides searching.  Only one Red because this deck doesn't really need to spam Ojamas on the field too much.

Please help with the Dark World lineup.  I don't really know much about them.  Beiige SS itself if I discard it which helps to maintain advantage.  Broww gives me draws which is really helpful for card advantage.  It's sort of like making the discard not count.  Brron is in here for no real reason.  I think maybe Grapha might be better?

Chaos Sorcerer ties the two archetypes together.  Remove 1 Ojama and 1 Dark World to gain strong field presence. It kills so much annoying stuff like Stardust and really anything that can't be destroyed by card effects.  Honest saves Ojamas (ish) and is pretty much a staple of light decks.

Dark World Dealings adds draw power and with Beiige/Broww/Ojamagic is because a +1 or more.  Same with Dark World Lightning.  Gateway adds more draw power and can easily be a +1 with the right combo.  It is these cards that make me want to run Grapha in this deck.

Ojama Country turns the Ojamas into minibeatsticks, killing anything with less DEF then them.  It also gives me a chance to discard Ojamagic and revive an Ojama.  Ojamagic searches the normal monsters in this deck and gives me MASSIVE hand advantage.

The spells I don't normally run are Future Fusion, Terraforming and Lance.  Future Fusion dumps Ojamas to the graveyard for Chaos Sorcerer/Ojama Country.  Terraforming searches either of the field spells.  I'm just trying out Lance here to get a feel for it because it's used so often and I don't quite understand why.  I might drop it for Mystical Space Typhoon.

Traps are all generic staples.  Into the extra deck you can add a bunch of Rank 2 Exceeds, and probably dump one of each fusion for more space.  Thats really it.  Thanks for reading, bye!

Tiny Update

As I thought, I as right.  When you send the attached Tengu to the graveyard you get another one.

Ruling Update

So I have a few ruling updates, but first I need to say that I'm sorry for not posting since I started Ojama week.  I promise I will have my deck profile of "Dark Wojamas" as I like to call them up by later today.  Once again I'm really sorry.

Okay, so first I was wrong earlier about Tengu.  I said that Tengu searches another Tengu when it's overlaid.  This is no longer true.  See, now xyz material monsters are treated as being on the field.  This means that Tengu is still on the field.  What I don't know is what happens when you removed Tengu, but that's a question for another time.

Next there is Sangan.  Sangan was previously thought to not get his effect when used for a xyz summon and not get his effect when removed.  Now since the xyz materials are considered to be on the field, when he is sent to the grave, you can search.  This makes Tour Guide from the Underworld so much better because it's an instant Rank 3 that gives you a search as soon as you remove an overlayed Sangan.

Ya so that's it for now.  As I said before, I will be back by later today to post the Dark Wojama deck I promised you days ago.  Thanks for reading, bye!

Monday 1 August 2011

Welcome to Ojama Week

Welcome to the beginning of Ojama Week.  This is a week in which I will talk about the many Ojama decks I created.  Since I have six or so Ojama decks, it's enough to keep me going until I have to leave for vacation.  Along with these decks, I will discuss the members of the archetype and the support.

Ojamas are an archetype that was originally used by Chazz Princeton in the anime.  They all have 0 ATK and 1000 DEF with the exception of Ojama King and Ojama Knight, who have 3000 DEF and 2500 DEF respectively.  All the monsters are  LIGHT beast-type monsters.  The main three, Green, Black and Yellow are all normal monsters, but they are intrinsic to the deck.  Most of the other cards need them.

More about them later, and I will be posting my Ojama deck that is messed because I combined them with Dark Worlds. Thanks for reading, bye!