Thursday 4 August 2011

Dark Wojamas

Monsters [Total - 18]
2x Ojama Black
2x Ojama Green
2x Ojama Yellow
2x Ojama Blue
1x Ojama Red
2x Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
2x Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
2x Brron. Mad King of Dark World
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Honest

Spells [Total - 16]
1x Dark Hole
2x Dark World Dealings
1x Dark World Lightning
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Future Fusion
2x Gate to the Dark World
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
2x Ojama Country
2x Ojamagic
1x Terraforming

Traps [Total - 6]
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck [Total - 4]
2x Ojama Knight
2x Ojama King

Ok so first, a bit of an explanation about this deck.  The main concept in my mind if is to first discard any of the Dark Worlds or Ojamagic to instantly gain advantage.  Then you can spam monsters continuously, maybe a fusion summon here or there.  The deck is pretty simple.  Later on you can SS a Chaos Sorcerer to kill annoying things.

First the monster line-up.  Two of each normal Ojama because they are super cool.  I can dump them for Future Fusion, search them with Blue or Magic, and they are really the most important part of the deck.  Two Blues because it provides searching.  Only one Red because this deck doesn't really need to spam Ojamas on the field too much.

Please help with the Dark World lineup.  I don't really know much about them.  Beiige SS itself if I discard it which helps to maintain advantage.  Broww gives me draws which is really helpful for card advantage.  It's sort of like making the discard not count.  Brron is in here for no real reason.  I think maybe Grapha might be better?

Chaos Sorcerer ties the two archetypes together.  Remove 1 Ojama and 1 Dark World to gain strong field presence. It kills so much annoying stuff like Stardust and really anything that can't be destroyed by card effects.  Honest saves Ojamas (ish) and is pretty much a staple of light decks.

Dark World Dealings adds draw power and with Beiige/Broww/Ojamagic is because a +1 or more.  Same with Dark World Lightning.  Gateway adds more draw power and can easily be a +1 with the right combo.  It is these cards that make me want to run Grapha in this deck.

Ojama Country turns the Ojamas into minibeatsticks, killing anything with less DEF then them.  It also gives me a chance to discard Ojamagic and revive an Ojama.  Ojamagic searches the normal monsters in this deck and gives me MASSIVE hand advantage.

The spells I don't normally run are Future Fusion, Terraforming and Lance.  Future Fusion dumps Ojamas to the graveyard for Chaos Sorcerer/Ojama Country.  Terraforming searches either of the field spells.  I'm just trying out Lance here to get a feel for it because it's used so often and I don't quite understand why.  I might drop it for Mystical Space Typhoon.

Traps are all generic staples.  Into the extra deck you can add a bunch of Rank 2 Exceeds, and probably dump one of each fusion for more space.  Thats really it.  Thanks for reading, bye!

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