Monday 25 July 2011

Week long break

I will be in New York for the next week, so I probably won't be posting much, if at all.  The good news is that when I get back it will be Ojama time!  I have about six Ojama decks I can put up here and discuss, as well as explaining why all the cards in the archetype are good and discussing good support.  You'll just have to wait a week to see! Bye!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Card of the Day - Solemn Judgement

Counter Trap
Pay half of your Life Points.  Negate an activation of a Spell / Trap Card / Normal Summon / Flip Summon / Special Summon and destroy the Spell Card, Trap Card or Summoned monster.

This is a staple in just about all decks, unless your deck runs only Royal Decree.  If your gonna add traps, this card should be the first you add, and the last one you take out.

First, it negates just about anything.  Trap card?  No problem.  Spells?  Please.  Normal Summon? Any day.  Even Flip Summons and Special Summons.  All this card can't negate is an effect monsters effect.  Negation is always great, and really it's even better in this card because of how well this card does it. I love negation, so of course I love this card.  This much negation just boosts any deck and hurts your opponents when you play it.

This can stop all of your opponents best card.  Against Sams kill Gateway, against Dark Worlds, Dragunity and Gravekeepers kill the field.  With plant's it's slightly more difficult, but the Normal Summon is probably a good choice.  Negate Tengu so they don't get another copy because negating it's summon means it technically never even hit the field.  This really is great against all the top decks.

Now of course theres the cost too discuss.  Half your Life Points does sound like a lot most of the time, and it is.  First turn this can cost you up to 4000 life points.  That's more expensive then like any other card.  A few cards, such as Backs to the Wall, come at a higher cost, but out of the most used cards this is the worst.  This being said, the cost to this card is the best.  You sacrifice no card advantage, like with Dark Bribe, and you can always pay the price.  If you have 1000 life points, can you play Seven Tools of the Bandit? No, but you can play this. You can always play this.

In short, this is an amazing staple and should be run in just about any deck.  Thanks for reading this and be sure to follow this blog any way you want.  Bye!

Saturday 23 July 2011


Monsters [Total - 21]
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Dark Armed Dragon

3x Stygian Security
3x Stygian Street Patrol
3x Cherry Inmato
2x Inmato
3x Grave Squirmer 
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
1x Sangan

Spells [Total - 11]
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Pot of Duality
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Book of Moon

Traps [Total - 8]
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Solemn Warning
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck [Total - 15]
3x Stygian Sergeants
12x Generic

So I haven't played this deck in a while, but I decided to profile it because it is really fun to play.  This deck is definitely not meta, I won't pretend it is, but it is good for casual play.  This is a combination of the Stygian archetype with the Inmato archetype.  The two archetypes have a surprising amount of synergy, but not too much.  As I said, deck really is only for casual play.  So I guess it's time to start explaining.

As always, I will begin with the monster lineup.  Caius the Shadow Monarch is a great card here.  While it is a tribute monster that requires an inherent -1, it banishes any card on the field and if it's DARK your opponent takes 1000 damage.  That makes it a +0 with the potential for a nice burn effect and with the ability to run a lot of things over.  Dark Armed Dragon is another great card here.  Since all the monsters are DARK, it has tons of fodder.  Need I say more about a card that was master of one of the only Tier 0 decks?

Moving on to the none-tribute monsters there is Stygian Street Patrol.  It's burn effect is pretty bad, so I don't need to talk about it that much.  A bit of burn is helpful, but 100x the level really isn't really enough to be significant.  This cards real potential is in it's second effect.  Special Summoning a monster from your hand is great.  You could use it as tribute fodder for Caius, it adds grave control to help with Dark Armed and it also sets you up for a quick synchro.  Stygian Security is a searcher, pulls out Grave Squirmer or itself and is really fun in general.

Cherry Inmato is another searcher that can pull off a quick synchro into a level 5, a quick xyz into a rank 2 or rank 3 or even just helps you block attacks.  If you want to know more about why I run it, just read the review I posted down below.  Inmato has a nice draw effect if your opponent plays D-Prison on your Cherry Inmato, or another Inmato.  This is really just here as a target for Cherry Inmato and it could pull off the occasional +1.

Grave Squirmer is a firstly just another target for Stygian.  It gives you some good destruction for your opponent and with Stygian Security it can give you Formula.  Tour Guide from the Underworld makes for a +0 xyz summon or searches out a Sangan to get another card from your deck later.  Sangan gets you any Inmato, Grave, Tour Guide or Squirmer and it's a Tour Guide target to it's pretty awesome in this deck,

Normally I don't run Duality but this deck isn't really too heavy on Special Summoning right away so I felt it could work here.  Allure adds draw power to the deck, which really is always important.  Duality adds draw power and also gives you a bit of grave control that this deck needs to help you with DAD.  Mystical Space Typhoon is also a card I don't normally run, but since there are some Spells and Traps that can damage this deck so much, it's good to have.

Dustshoot isn't a normal choice of mine, but seeing as how it won game 1 at WCQ, I decided to put it in here.  Much like the spells, this is full of staples.  I'm actually kinda thinking Oppression, but this deck isn't too explosive to be able to make a big play then flip this. On the other hand Oppression kills a lot of top tier decks so it's hard to decide.  If I did decide to play it I would drop Mirror because Mirror Force is a lot less important then it used to be.

Thanks for reading this.  Comment if you have any questions or anything.  Be sure to subscribe on the side, bye!

Small Warning

Hey, this is just a small warning for you all.  My brother wants me to post his ideal banlist.  Now, that does not sound too bad, but this guy is crazy.  He has some wacky ideas.  Just be prepared to see the strangest banlist you have ever seen.  Thats all for now, bye!

Card of the Day - Cherry Inmato

Tuner / DARK / Plant-Type
Level 2 / 700 ATK / 400 DEF
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon up to 2 "Inmato" monsters from your deck.  They cannot be used as Synchro Material Monsters this turn.

I've ended with Crystal Beasts now.  Three decks really is enough and so I think it's time to talk more meta stuff now.  The Inmato archetype has a total of two cards in it, but even though it is that small, this card is one of my favorite cards out there.  It really is just so useful.

First, it's one of the best searchers out there.  It gets you 2 cards when this one is destroyed.  That can act as an awesome wall if you pick two more Cherry Inmatos for it's effect.  Then you can use their effects to get out some Inmatos.  It's a total of 6 attacks blocked, so there is almost no chance your opponent gets a direct attack in on you unless they have tons of double attackers.  Then since you can Special Summon in defense position that really just keeps your Life Points safe. That on it's on makes this card pretty good.

This is also a tuner monster.  Tuners are key to making a Synchro Summon which is what most of the meta is based on.  If your opponent only has one monster, and they destroy this with it you can Special Summon a Cherry Inmato and an Inmato and Synchro into a Hyper Librarian or Catastor or something.  If your opponent has two or more monsters it's best to go into two more Cherry Inmatos.  I just love the instant level 5.

Another thing this card can do that I just noticed is instant rank 3 or rank 2.  Ram your opponent with this on your own turn to Special Summon 2 level 3s or 2 level 2s.  That let's you get a lot of rank 3 or twos already.  Alternatively you pick one Inmato and one Cherry Inmato, ram the Cherry Inmato and get two more Inmatos to give you a rank 3 that requires three materials.  I don't know which ones you would really want, but I'm sure it could be useful.

Finally this card has a few uses after it gets sent to the Graveyard.  Since it is a level 2, it is a Junk Synchron target.  You can Special Summon it then Special Summon Doppelwarrior and Synch for Armory and also for Hyper Librarian.  It is also a target for Spore which Special Summons Spore as a level 3, something which the usual Plant engine cannot do.

Thanks for reading this and be sure to enter your E-Mail on the side for updates.  Bye for now!

Friday 22 July 2011

Card of the Day - Lycanthrope

Ritual Monster / EARTH / Beast-Warrior Type
Level 6 / 2400 ATK / 1800 DEF
This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Synthesis Spell".  When this card inflict Battle Damage to your opponent, inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each Normal Monster in your Graveyard.

Ok so I am taking a break from Crystal Beasts for a short bit on Lycanthrope.  Rituals are cool and I really wish they could see more play, but I guess the inherent -1 or worse from their Summon is just really painful and the fact that you need two specific cards in your hand really make them too slow.  While Konami has been working to make them more playable, I want to take a look in the past and examine this card.

Now, this card works great with like Big Bang Shot because Piercing makes this way better.  The ability to inflict Battle Damage with this is key, because otherwise your opponent could block your attacks with set monsters.  Another good card with this is Magical Merchant.  It just mills so much if you make a super Monster heavy deck.  Other mill cards are also good like Ryko or Card Trooper.  If summoning this card is your problem, theres Earth Chant and Advanced Ritual Art to up the number of cards to help.  The fact that Advanced Ritual Art requires Normal Monster is no challenge at all because those just fuel this guys effect.  If you feel like it, run tons of Normal level 1s so you can send 6 to the grave for maximum potential.

Another idea is to use this card with Gemini monsters.  Since they are treated as Normal Monsters in the graveyard, you can use their powerful effects and then use this card to maximise their potential.  Alternatively lolwiki suggests you use this with a tuner for instant Synchro, but that seems pointless.  Too me though the best use is in the most inconsistant deck ever.

In this deck you run 3x Magical Merchant, 3x Lycanthrope, 1x Big Bang Shot and 1x  Synthesis Spell.  The rest of the cards are really your choice.  Monster Reborn and Dark Hole are good.  Sangan can search for Magical Merchant.  The rest should be beatstick Normal Monsters.  Those cards are meant to stall and beat until you can set Merchant, then flip him to mill half the deck.  This is a really inconsistant deck, but it's pretty fun if you can pull it off.

Ya so that is it for this very short card of the day.   Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more blog posts!

Hamon Beatdown

Monsters [Total - 18]
3x Sapphire Pegasus
3x Topaz Tiger
3x Amber Mammoth
3x King Tiger Wagnhu
3x Reborn Tengu
2x Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder
1x Summoner Monk

Spells [Total - 16]
3x Burden of the Mighty
3x Rare Value
2x Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins
2x Crystal Blessing
2x Crystal Beacon
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Book of Moon

Traps [Total - 6]
3x Horn of the Phantom Beast
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Solemn Warning

Ok so once again I built this deck up on the spot so it's probably not the right way of building this but I'll give it a shot.

The Crystal Beast monster lineup is the same as most other decks.  Three copies of Pegasus to fill your S/T card zone as fast as possible.  The six others act as beaters mostly.  All of them can be equipped with Horn to surprise your opponent.  Horn is best on Mammoth in my opinion because this protects all other Crystal Beasts.  It's also good on Tiger because that lets you run over so much.

King Tiger Wanghu makes kills plants  and tons of other top tier decks like Sams. On top of this, it makes your Burdens even better because it adds destruction as a side effect of them.  I picked Tengu here because it's so good for Xyz summons now which adds more beatdown to this deck.   Both of these are also Horn targets bringing the total to 15 which is huge.  Hamon is just Hamon.  It's the decks best beater at 4k ATK and has a good burn effect to boot.  Summoner Monk searches out a Pegasus or whatever for an instant xyz with another card in your S/T card zone.

The spell lineup is pretty straight forward.  Three Burden to destroy so much stuff with Wanghu and it makes your monsters able to run anything over, especially with Horn.  On top of that it's an extra continuous spell for Hamon. Rare Value gives this deck the draw power it needs to be more consistant.  Rainbow Ruins doesn't waste S/T card zone space and is really quite good once you have enough Crystal Beasts.  Crystal Blessing refuels your S/T card zone after Hamon, or sets you up for it.  Crystal Beacon can SS Pegasus to get you totally ready for Hamon.  Other then that, it's all staples though you can kill your monsters like a boss with Dark Hole to get ready for Hamon.

Traps are so straight forward.  Three Horns because if you don't run them your doing it wrong.  Horn is just fantastic even in a build focused around Hamon.  Solemns are negation.  Warning even kills Macro Cosmos which screws these monsters.  Deck needs space for Tortoise, MST and maybe a bit more negation.

Thanks for reading everyone and please comment with help on this deck!  Enter your E-Mail on the side for updates.  Bye!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Abundance OTK

Monsters [Total - 14]
3x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
3x Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
3x Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
1x Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
1x Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
2x Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
1x Summoner Monk

Spells [Total - 17]
3x Crystal Abundance
3x Rare Value
2x Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins
2x Crystal Blessing
2x Crystal Beacon
2x Crystal Release
1x Monster Reborn
1x Giant Trunade
1x Dark Hole

Traps [Total - 7]
3x Horn of the Phantom Beast
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Trap Stun

Ok so this is my horrible first attempt at making a Crystal Abundance OTK deck.  It would be better if my brother had given me his deck list but noooo he couldn't and so that brings us back to this deck.

Of course I will begin by talking about the monster.  First there is the mandatory three copies of Sapphire Pegasus.  It searches a CB for your S/T card zone which is great for Abundance so it's really just mandatory in here.  Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger is a pro beater that just crushes up everything in most decks except synchros and even then, just pop a Horn or Release and this destroys all but like Scrap Dragon.  Amber Mammoth is similar, with slightly less attack so it can't quite run over Stardust, but it can protect all your stuff from destruction.  One copy of Ruby Carbuncle so you can SS this and tons of stuff from your S/T card zone to go into a xyz or attack.  One copy of Cobalt Eagle if you need to reuse Sapphire Pegasus.

The tech monsters are really just random things.  I don't know how to do this, so I picked cards I thought looked good.  Dragon Queen seems to me to be great for card advantage.  It's a free summon that lets you gain massive advantage by discarding from your opponents hand and drawing yourself.  It also is able to return at the price of a continuous spell, which in this deck should not be too hard to fill.  Summoner Monk searches out a Pegasus or a bunch of other monsters, with a cost that really isn't top hard to fill with 17 spells in the deck.

That leads quite well into the spell cards.  Three copies of Crystal Abundance is just obvious.  It's the decks main win condition, nuking the field without "destroying" anything then SS tons of your monsters to your side for a massive attack.  Need I really say more?  Rare Value is draw power.  Rainbow Ruins is cool because it doesn't clog your S/T card zone and gives you +s with enough Crystal Beasts.  Blessing is great for filling you S/T card zone quickly.  If you just pulled an Abundance but didn't OTK the you pop one of these to quickly refill your S/T card zone.  Beacon fetches Sapphire, building up your S/T card zone.  Release gives you bigger beaters and fills your S/T card zone.  The rest are staples though it should be noted that Dark Holing yourself in this deck makes you a boss.

Crystal Beasts are apparently more trap heavy now so I put in a massive trap lineup.  Three Horns is essential for reasons I have mentioned too much on this blog.  It surprises your opponent and gives you fun +s.  The rest of the traps are staples, though it should be noted you play a trap stun beginning of your turn before going Abundance.  Either forces your opponent to waste some negation or lets you go crazy.

Thats all for this deck.  Please comment with deck suggestions because I'm probably doing it wrong.  Thanks for reading and be sure to follow this blog by entering your E-Mail on the side.  Bye!

Card of the Day - Dimensional Fissure

Continuous Spell
Any monster sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.

This card is effectively a less powerful version of Macro Cosmos.  While Macro Cosmos removes every card sent to the graveyard, this card can only banish monsters.  That being said, how often exactly would you actually care if a S/T card is in the grave or removed from play?  Against Uria?  If you can't beat Uria it doesn't matter, your just pathetic.  Of course there are a few cards that return S/Ts from your graveyard to your hand, but really those aught not to be a problem. One key advantage of this card is it's speed.  While Macro Cosmos is a trap card, this is a spell.  That means you can play this right out of your hand first turn, profiting from it's effect immediately.  Finally, Solemn Warning can negate Marco Cosmos because Cosmos SS, while it cannot negate D-Fissure

Now, on to what makes this card so good, rather then why it's better then Macro Cosmos.  This card is key to any removal deck.  With cards such as D.D. Scout Plane and D.D. Survivor, this card makes them almost unbeatable, as they revive themselves during each end phase.  It also cripples your opponents deck, stopping any milling they attempt to use to fill their grave.  If you happen to be playing a fusion deck, this card stops them dead because they have no way to fusion summon.  Lightsworns lose so many good cards to this.  X-Sabers cannot use Faultroll, or Darksoul with this.  Samurais can't use Double Edge.  Plants can't use Spore or Glow-Up.  Tech Genus cannot use any of their floaters search effect.  This really does stop everything.

In short, this card gives you advantage and stops your opponents plays making it great in any deck built around it.  Thanks for reading and be sure to enter your E-Mail on the side to get updates about any future entries. Bye!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Card of the Day - Horn of the Phantom Beast

Normal Trap

Equip this card to a Beast-Type of Beast-Warrior-Type monster you control.  It gains 800 ATK.  When the equipped monster destroys an opponents monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, draw 1 card.

This card was released as support to the Phantom Beast archtype, a largely unused archtype because it is not very strong.  While it is support for them, it was actually main decked by Hansel Aguero who recently won WCQ North America, in a Tech Genus deck.  It was really this card that let him win.

It's better then a regular equip card because it can be set, then in the damage step you just flip this for a free draw and to kill your opponents monster.  That surprise is was sets this card above the rest.  A lot of the time this card can be forgotten by your opponent and so you just take advantage of that.  This cards draw effect adds consistency to any deck that can use it because the quicker you can get to the cards you need, the better.

The only real downside also comes from the fact that this is a trap.  It can be stopped by Seven Tools, which cannot negate traps, and can be killed by Mystical Space Typhoon and such not before you even get a chance to use it.  That being said this card is still not too slow for todays meta.

In short this card is amazing.  I hope you enjoyed this entry and be sure to enter you E-Mail on the side to get updates about any future posts.

Crystal Tengu

Deck credit to Black W Mage of Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker

Monsters (17)
3 Reborn Tengu

3 King Tiger Wanghu
2 Kuraz the Light Monarch

3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
3 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
2 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
1 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

Spells (12)
3 Pot of Duality
3 Rare Value
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Giant Trunade
1 Crystal Beacon

Traps (11)
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
1 Dust Tornado 

First, there's the moster lineup.  Reborn Tengu is just Reborn Tengu.  It's great for tribute fodder for the Kuraz because it revives itself, it's a target for Horn and it really is just all around great.  King Tiger Wanghu is another great card in this deck.  It's a level for like most of the monsters so it's good for xyz summons, and also it's effect rapes Tengu Plants.  Also, it's another target for Horn.  Kuraz is used to either rape opponents backrow before going in for the kill, or if you have extra Crystal Beasts in your S/T card zone, you can use it for added draw power.  On top of that, who doesn't like 2400 ATK?

Then there is the Crystal Beast lineup, beginning with Sapphire Pegasus.  Not only is the 1800 ATK pretty high, it's a Horn target meaning you can raise it to 2600 ATK.  Now, thats okay, but this monster is a +1 summon which is just crazy.  Next we have Topaz Tiger.  It's a 2k beater when it's attacking which runs over almost every level 4 or lower monster.  Since it is a beast, it is also a Horn target which can easily take your opponent by surprise.  Once it has Horn it's a 2800 beater that can run over almost anything.  Amber Mammoth is another good card.  It can pull an attack away from any of the other Crystal Beasts.  If you put Horn on this then it becomes a huge wall of 2500 ATK, strong enough to block tons of crap.  The final Crystal Beast is a solitary Ruby Carbuncle.  It's only got 300 ATK but it's great to rapidly swarm monsters and go into tons of xyz monsters.

The spell lineup is nearly entirely staples, other then Crystal Beacon and Rare Value.  Crystal Beacon searches out any Crystal Beast and can go from a +0 to a +1 if you pick Sapphire Pegasus, which is what I would generally pick.  Rare Value is more draw power and really one of the only uses for the Crystal Beasts in your Spells and Trap card zone.  You only need 2 or more Crystal Beasts in your S/T card zone and you get two cards which is pretty close to a +1.

The traps are also almost all staples and in fact, only Horn of the Phantom Beasts isn't one.  This card is just too good not to run in this deck.  It was basically the one card that let Hansel Aguero win the recent WCQ.  It's great to pull this out on one of your beasts in the Damage Step for a quick draw and to destroy your opponents monster.  Really this is just a great card.

Thanks for reading this and be sure to subscribe (I guess that's what I'll call it) by entering your email on the side.  Bye for now!

Crystal Beasts Cont'd

Ok so yesterday I discussed the Crystal Beast monsters, but not the spells or traps so that is what I will be doing now.  To begin them is the Field Spell, Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins.  This is a great card because firstly, it doesn't take up a S/T card zone that you would want, and secondly it can give you great advantage once you have three or four Crystal Beasts.  The extra draw power at 4 Crystal Beasts is great and the S/T negation at three is also great.  Also, if you hit 5 of them in you S/T zone you can  SS it and free up a zone.  This card is great in any deck that focuses highly on Crystal Beasts.

Next there is Crystal Abundance, the card that forms the basis of a Crystal Beast deck type.  Although it's activation seems difficult, having most of your S/T card zone filled with Crystal Beasts, the effect is worth it.  You opponent only needs 5 cards on their Field to swarm like crazy with this card and OTK.  Also, since it sends card to the grave, it actually get's passed Stardust.  This card is simply fantastic in a build made around it.

Crystal Beacon is another good swarm card.  All you need is two Crystal Beasts in your S/T card zone and you can pull another Crystal Beast from your deck.  If you pick Sapphire Pegasus this card actually generates a +1 for you as you then get to search out another Crystal Beast.  I personally love this card in Crystal Beasts.  A card that helps with this is Crystal Blessing.  It also generates a +1, putting Crystal Beasts from your grave in your S/T card zone.  It just sets you up great for any number of plays, including Crystal Beacon.

The first trap card I will discuss is Crystal Counter, but before I say anything about it, I will say that most Crystal Beast decks should run a very low trap count so you should only use this if you really like it.  Now, as for the card itself, it does not seem very useful because it will always act as a -1 and you need to get rid of your S/Ts to do so.  I do not recommend it.  Sticking with the theme of traps, the next card is Crystal Pair.  This card does look pretty good, searching out another Crystal Beast and negating all battle damage for the turn.  While this is good, once again there are better traps out there.  I would probably only run this if your trying to go for like Rainbow Dragon, but even then I iphy. Continuing traps, there is Crystal Raigeki.  This card really isn't that good.  It's a -1 outclassed by Raigeki Break so just don't run it.

Crystal Promise is a -1 that I would consider running.  It SS one of your Crystal Beasts from your S/T card zone.  For this card, I would use it on either Ruby Carbuncle if you wanted to run it, but more likely I would use this on Sapphire Pegasus, turning this into a +0 and getting more Crystal Beasts into play.  I like this card even though I think most people don't.

Next there is Crystal Release.  This card gives any Crystal Beast a huge power boost of 800 ATK and when it is sent to the graveyard, it searches out a Crystal Beast.  While that does make this card a +0, it's better to run Horn of the Phantom Beast because that gives you extra draw power and can surprise your opponent.  This is another one of those cards I wouldn't run.

Crystal Tree is a great searcher for the deck, and can easily generate +s, but it seems a tad slow unless it is used right away.  This is good for Abundance if you combine it with Blessing.  Other then that I can't really think of much to say.  Personally I wouldn't run it.  I will not discuss Last Resort because it's a crappy Terraforming.  Similarly I won't bother talking about Rainbow Gravity or Rainbow Path because Rainbow Dragon is retarded.

This leaves me with only Rare Value left to discuss.  This card is by far the best draw power this deck has.  It acts as a +0, but it gives you hand advantage at the price of a Crystal Beast that for all I know could be clogging.  This card is a definite yes in just about every Crystal Beast deck I can think of right now.

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back for a deck profile of one Crystal Beast deck.  I'll try to post about a few of them but some of them a won't be today.  Be sure to enter your E-Mail on the side!  Bye

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Crystal Beasts (Rainbow Dragon)

Hmm, it seems I forgot to talk about Rainbow Dragon in my last entry so I guess I should now.  Rainbow Dragon is another disappointing boss monster from GX.  It's summoning condition requires you to run all seven Crystal Beasts which is generally not a good idea.  Then, once it hits the field it really only acts as a huge beater with no protection for itself.  None of it's effects can be use on the turn it's summoned.  The field spinning is nice, but it requires you to ditch all your Crystal Beasts in the grave and as such it's also not very good.

I am not going to both discussing Dark Rainbow Dragon because it's not really a Crystal Beast, so that's it for now.  You know the deal, enter your email for updates on the side.  Bye!

Crystal Beasts

Ok so the deck type that I will discuss today, and possibly for the next few will be Crystal Beasts  and yes, I have a photo today.  So since this is a much more extensive archtype then the other's I have discussed to this point, I will only discuss the monsters in the entry.  All Crystal Beast monsters have the same clause that when they are destroyed they are placed in the S/T card zone as continuous spells.  This is the main focus of the entire deck and so it is very important.

First, there's Amber Mammoth. This card is mainly a beat-stick in the deck, but also can protect your other monsters from an attack.  If you boost it's attack with something like Horn of the Phantom Beast then it becomes quite strong.  Next on the picture is Amethist Cat, this decks direct attacker.  It can attack directly for 600 damage, but unfortunately it is quite weak.  This problem can be overcome however with Amber Mammoth.  Next there is Cobalt Eagle, who can spin any Crystal Beast on your field.  He's not really that good and the only purpose I know of is to spin Sapphire Pegasus to reuse his effect.  Other than that this card is pretty useless unless you want Rainbow Dragon.

Starting a new paragraph because I feel like I should.  Now we move on the the decks real star, Sapphire Pegasus.  This card searches out any other Crystal Beast when it's Summoned and puts it in your S/T card zone, of course as a continuous spell.  This card is fantastic in any build of Crystal Beasts that I have seen to date.  Comment if you think otherwise.  Following this we have Emerald Tortoise whose powerful 2000 DEF is great first duel, but I think it's wise to side this out right after to scare your opponents from attacking your set monsters.  It's effect isn't really that great other then after a direct attack from itself.  Ruby Carbuncle, the next monster, has great swarm potential.  It could pull out 4 other monsters, although that would be a very foolish thing to do.  More reasonably it could bring out maybe 2.  This being said, most Crystal Beasts decks would prefer monsters in the S/T card zone so this really isn't necessary.  Finally there is Topaz Tiger, the decks biggest beat-stick.  This card is simply a 2k beater when it attacks, but with Horn of the Phantom Beast that could be quite beneficial.

That's it for the monster lineup and as I said before, I can't be bothered to discuss the rest of the cards so thats all for now.  Thanks for reading and be sure to subscribe! I know it's getting repetitive me saying that but any new readers need to learn.

Card of the Day - Gemini Spark

Normal Spell
Tribute 1 face-up Level 4 Gemini monster you control and select one card on the field.  Destroy the selected card and draw 1 card.

Gemini Spark is one of the most annoying cards I've faced in recent memory, other then of course Reborn Tengu.  It is also one of the best cards to use if it is in your favour. The deck that best abuses this is an Omni HERO deck that runs Neos Alius as the main HERO monster.  This deck usually has three Gemini monsters that you run three copies of each and they all have 1900 ATK, but enough of that.

First, this card is a +0 that can take your by surprise.  A lot of the time they will forget about it and that can easily be to your advantage.  Since it is quick-play, it's spell speed 2 making it chainable to cards such as Mirror Force or Dimensional Prison in your own battle phase and even from your hand.  That is a massive advantage because most of the time people won't expect it.  Also, again since it's quick-play, it can be used in your opponents turn.  This means you can chain it to anything from Dark Hole to Icarus attack.  Finally since it's a spell it dodges Royal Decree and Seven Tools which are both seeing a fair amount of play right now in my opinion.

Altogether it is obvious that this card is not splashable, but it is a staple in most, if not all, Gemini decks and also very good in Omni HEROs.  Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more posts!  Enter your E-Mail in the side bar to get updates,

Monday 18 July 2011


Ok so you don't need to read this at all, but this blog got a new review.  Apparently this is "pretty decent"! I mean, I though people would hate this blog, but this apparently not that bad.  Ya so that's it with this small little entry but thanks for reading this!

Volcanic Deck

While it is true that I run them IRL, I don't really know how to build the deck but here is my attempt to make them.

Monsters [Total - 15]
3x Volcanic Shell3x Volcanic Scattershot
2x Volcanic Counter
3x Volcanic Rocket
1x Sangan
3x Solar Flare Dragon

Spells [Total - 12]
3x Blaze Accelerator
2x Tri-Blaze Accelerator
1x Wild Fire
1x Level Limit Area B
1x Monster Reborn

1x Dark Hole
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Giant Trunade

Traps [Total - 12]
2x Magical Cylinder
2x Threatening Roar
2x Solemn Warning
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Backfire
1x Mirror Force
1x Gravity Bind
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgement

As always, I will begin by discussing the monster lineup.  First there is Volcanic Shell, which is the best Blaze fodder in the deck.  It kills your opponent at a +0 for yourself.  Then you have Scattershot.  Depending on the situation it can be up to a +2, though thats not likely.  It also can cause decent burn to your opponent.  Volcanic Counter is another Blaze target, bringing the decks total count up to 8.  It can be great to cause damage to your opponent if they slip through your defenses and attack you directly.  Sadly it's effect is mandatory so I only run two of them.  The final Volcanic monster is Volcanic Rocket. It's a fantastic 1900 ATK beater that gives you a Blaze when it comes out.  Really there isn't much else to say.  On to the non-Volcanic monsters there is Sangan, the decks searcher.  While UFO Turtle does Special Summon, this deck would actually prefer cards in the hand then on the field a lot of the time.  Solar Flare Dragon does burn and it can lock your opponent for more stall so it's generally quite useful in this deck.

The spell lineup is pretty straight-forward as a lot of the cards are staples (Trunade, Dark Hole, Reborn the Monster).  Both Blaze Accelerators are here for the obvious reasons that they are the central card to any Volcanic deck.  They kill your opponents field and can inflict damage at the same time.  Wild Fire is a great card in your opponents End Phase, or right after they Normal Summon because it gives you a big advantage.  Since it's quick-play it has even more versatility.  Pot of Avarice gives you a +1 and you can send 3 Scattershots and 2 Shells back to your deck to recycle them.  Level Limit is great for stall, simple as that.

The traps are also pretty simple.  The usual staples (Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgement, D-Prison, Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute) are all here.  Magic Cylinder can give pretty good burn if your opponent has a high powered monster on the field.  Threatning Roar is great because it blocks all attacks for one turn and you can chain it on to an MST or something.  Backfire does great damage over a period of time, although it is a bit slow and clogs the S/T card zone and so a replacement would be nice.  Finally Gravity Bind is of course great stalling and doesn't turn your monsters into defense position were they would be vulnerable to a strong level 3.

Thanks for reading this deck profil of my Volcanic deck and feel free to comment with any suggestions or questions.  Don't forget to follow my blog by entering your E-Mail in the box on the side!

Card of the Day - Airorca

Sea Serpent / Level 3 / Wind
ATK 1400 / DEF 300
Once per turn, you can banish 1 Fish-Type, Sea Serpent-Type or Aqua-Type monster from your hand to select 1 face-up card your opponent controls. Destroy that card, then banish this card until your next Standby Phase.

Ok so going back to yesterday and how I talked about Banished Fish, I decided that I should talk about Airorca, one of that decks key cards.  The first thing to say is that this is a level 3 monster.  That gives this card so much potential.  It gains synergy with the rest of the Banished Fish because they are all level 3 and so you can easily exceed into a rank 3 monsters.  Then it can be searched out by Deepsea Diva for either an instant level 5 synchro, or you could attempt to abuse this cards powerful effect.

This cards effect is great.  First, it dumps cards to your Banished zone.  That is great because you need 3 banished cards for Fish and Kicks so quickly filling that zone is essential.  After that you can destroy any face-up card your opponent controls.  Seriously? Do I need to say anymore? Destruction is always good.  And even if they have Stardust, this card fills the Banished Zone to get ready for a Fish and Kicks to remove their Stardust.  Finally this card removes itself from play.  That fuel Fish and Kicks and Oh F!sh as well as setting off Fish Rain and Wing Tortoise.   It also keeps itself safe for your next turn.

Altogether this card really is fantastic in Banished Fish, but I really do see this being teched in any other deck.  Thanks for reading this and be sure to subscribe by entering your E-Mail on the side bar.


Ok this post was inevitable.  Volcanics have been my favorite archtype since I begun playing more then three years ago and they are the deck I use in real life (although that deck is terrible).  They are really fun to play, but the deck is just too slow for today's meta.

You can't talk about Volcanics without talking about Blaze Accelerator first.  Blaze Accelerator lets you discard any Pyro-type monster in your hand with 500 or less ATK to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, with the only downside that you cannot declare an attack.  This is the bread and butter of the deck.  It does so much damage to your opponent.  Then, you can send this Blaze Accelerator to the graveyard to activate Tri-Blaze Accelerator.  This is a much more powerful card.  You can send any Pyro-type monster (regardless of it's attack) to the graveyard to destroy one monster your opponent controls and inflict 500 damage to them.  Since all the Volcanic monsters are Pyro, this card lets you inflict massive damage to your opponent.

Now back to the Volcanic monsters.  First, there's Volcanic Shell.  This card is the perfect Blaze Accelerator fodder.  At 100 ATK it isn't good for battle, but it is able to be sent to the graveyard with blaze.  Once it's there, at the small cost of 500 life points, you can add another one to your hand.  That is fantastic because it lets you destroy your opponents monsters so easily.  Next, there's Volcanic Rat.  It's a normal monster so theres not much to say other then how it is Blaze fodder.  Don't run this.  The next Blaze fodder is, in my opinion, the best. Volcanic Scattershot.  Whenever it is sent to the graveyard, except as a cost, your opponent loses 500 life points.  That is great in this burn deck.  Not only that, but if it's sent to the graveyard for Blaze, you can send two more from your hand or deck to the graveyard to blow up your opponents field and inflict 1000 damage.  Finally there's Volcanic Counter.  It's not particularly great for Blaze Accelerator, but that does set it in the graveyard for it's effect to go off.  You must remove it when you take battle damage and your opponent loses life points equal to the amount of damage you take as long as there's another FIRE monster in your graveyard.  It's self explanatory really.

Moving on from the Blaze targets, there's Volcanic Blaster.  It's the searcher of the deck.  When it's destroyed you put a Volcanic on top of your deck.  This card really could be a lot better.  Sure it's designed to get you Blaze fodder, but it could at least at it to your hand.  Your really better off running Sangan unless you often use this to pull out a Rocket/Slicer/Hammerer/Doomfire, but really this card is unneeded.  Another monster is Volcanic Slicer.  This card inflicts 500 damage to your opponent at the price of it's attack.  I think this is good, especially in combination with other stall cards.  Not really much else to say.  The last non-tribute non-Blaze fodder is Volcanic Rocket.  This card is fantastic.  It has high ATK (1900) and when you summon it, it gives you a Blaze Accelerator to your hand.  Really it is great and it should almost always be run.

Now for the tribute monsters.  There are only two and the first is Volcanic Hammerer.  Volcanic Hammerer inflicts 200 damage to your opponent for every Volcanic monster in your graveyard.  While it's true that Volcanics load their grave with monsters, this card is generally outclassed by Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch and so I don't find it useful.  Finally we move on the the boss monster, Volcanic Doomfire.  This has got to be the most disappointing boss ever.  It requires you to give up your  Tri-Blaze Accelerator for a monster that has no protection.  It needs some effect that helps your defense.  While the ability to force your opponent to battle it, and a monster destroying effect is also good, this card really isn't worth it most times.

I have already discussed most of the spell and trap support, but there are a few left to talk about.  First there is Wildfire.  For 500 life points and a Blaze Accelerator you can nuke the monsters and you get a 1000 ATK token.  This is great if your opponent has a commanding field presence and you just don't have a Scattershot or anything to blow them up with Blaze.  Next there are a few traps.  While it is not direct support, Firewall is perfect for this deck to stall.  It's straight forward really.  This deck sets your grave up with lots of Pyro monsters and this gives them a use.  Finally there is Volcanic Recharge.  This card is decent until you realize just how badly Pot of Avarice and Royal Firestorm Guard outclass it.  avoid running this card.

Well thats it for my longest entry so far.  I might post a Volcanic deck list later, but I don't have one that I stick with so I might now.  Thanks for reading and be sure to enter your E-Mail adress in the box on the side to get updates!

Sunday 17 July 2011

Card of the Day - Mirror Force

Normal Trap
When an opponent's monster declares an attack.  Destroy all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls.

Mirror force.  It's been a staple in nearly all decks effectively since it was created.  Taking a quick glance at it, it seems strong.  When your opponent attacks it destroys everything.  It has been great to punish over extending and can help you make a massive comeback, but is it really that great anymore?

To me, this card is still fabulous, but not as required to a deck as some staples like the Solemns or Torrential Tribute.  Sure it can punish over extending, but really in today's meta with Mystical Space Typhoon and Dust Tornado both floating around and Giant Trunade available this card will often be gone before you get a chance to use it.  Then with Solemn Judgement and Seven Tools seeing so much play, this card can also easily be negated.  Finally, going back to how fast the meta is, your opponent can easily pull out a Stardust, Shi En, Brionac or tons of other synchros that will make this useless.  Also, going back to those S/Ts I already mentioned, with the amount of draw power most decks have, they will likely have those cards in their hand.

Although all that is true, this is still one of the best staples and most decks should not go without this.  It has and probably always be a staple.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more entries.  Sign up above to get email updates.

Banish Fish Deck

Monsters [Total - 19]
3x Air Orca
3x Sky Oni-Eating Ray
3x Fly-Fang
3x Killer Frilled Shark
2x Shark Sucker
3x Wing Tortoise
2x Deep Sea Diva

Spells [Total - 11]
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Fish and Kicks
1x Giant Trunade
2x Gold Sarcophagus
1x Monster Reborn
3x Surfacing

Traps [Total - 10]
2x Fish Depth Charge
2x Fish Rain
2x Oh F!sh
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck [Total - 15]
Lots of rank three monsters and a few level 5 and eight synchros.

So let's begin with the monster line-up.  Air Orca is a great card here because it removes a monster in your hand that will fuel Oh F!sh and Fish and Kicks and also destroys your opponents monster.  It has been useful for me so many times.  Then there's Sky Oni.  This card I'm a bit more iphy on but the direct attack is helpful and then the removal is also nice.  After that there's Fly Fang.  Once again, a lot less useful then Air Orca, but still quite good.  All these cards form the basis of Banished Fish and also since they disappear for your opponents turn they are fantastic for exceeds.  Killer Frilled Shark blocks an attack which is always great and removes itself to fuel the S/Ts.  After that there's Shark Sucker.  Right now I only run two, but I'm heavily considering a third because it just exceeds so damn well.  Wing Tortoise is I'd say the most helpful card in the deck.  While your monsters removing themselves keeps them safe, it leaves you wide open so this card SS itself is great for a defense.  Finally Deepsea Diva.  It can fetch Air Orca or Sky Oni for an instant level 5 synchro.  Once again most of these monsters are level 3 so rank 3 exceeds are a must.

A large portion of the spells are staples (Book of Moon, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Giant Trunade) and so I won't talk about them.  Fish and Kicks is great later in the game because it deals with pesky cards like Stardust.  Gold Sarc is good because it fills your Banished zone with a bonus card then gives it back to you later so it's instantly a helpful card. Surfacing SS most of these from the grave and I think I shouldn't have to say any more about it.

Traps are once again filled with a few staples (Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgement and Torrential Tribute) and then a few thematic cards.  Fish Depth Charge is rather iphy as well due to a lack of Fish.  Good replacement suggestions are appreciated, but I'm considering Fiendish Chains.  Oh F!sh is great because it kills monsters so easily and Fish Rain helps to maintain your field presence.  Mirror Force isn't here because it's terrible this format.  It rarely gives you pluses and mostly acts like a Sak Armor.

Playbook is simple.  NS anything and SS Shark Sucker.  Use Air Orca, Sky Oni or Fly Flang to remove themselves then SS Wing Tortoise.  Then exceed into any rank 3.  Alternatively you could NS Diva, SS Air Orca, remove Orca, SS Wing then Synch and next turn get Orca Back. I'm too lazy to make a more full playbook but thats the gist of it.

So ya, thanks for reading this and please comment with any fixes you have.

Banished Fish

Ok so I'm here now to discuss this deck type that has been much discussed.  Before people had really scene it in action, this was just about the most overhyped deck ever.  Even I jumped on board and wrote up the lolwiki page (here).  Then people begun to test this deck and realized just how flawed it was.  They could swarm the field decently, but once you had done that, there was nothing else you could do and your field was stuck with a bunch of weak monsters.  I feel there is a reason that they should now be discussed again. Photon Shockwave.

Photon Shockwave release many new things, including new support for Watts, Naturias and more.  It also released a brand new element to the game. Xyz monsters (just call them exceeds in your head for simplicity).  These are relatively strong monsters that you can easily get out in a Banished Fish deck.  Simply overlay two level 3 monsters (which most of the monsters are) and take your pick of all the Rank 3 xyzs you have in your extra deck.

Now, I haven't tested this deck yet because Dueling Network (the online website to play Yu-Gi-Oh) has yet to update with xyzs, but I have found them to be relatively strong and with the help of Deepsea Diva, I can get out synchro monsters instead.  The spell and trap support is also rather good.  Fish and Kicks is good for later in the game, while the traps can either swarm the field (Fish Rain) or stop your opponent (Oh F!sh).

As for a decklist, I will post that later including reasoning for each card as well as a short piece about overall strategy.  Bye for now, thanks for reading!

Saturday 16 July 2011

Welcome to my blog.

Hey everyone! You may know me from around the internet, but if not here's a little bit of info.  I'm 14 years old and just graduated high school.  I spend my time either swimming, with friends, playing Yu-Gi-Oh! or Minecraft.  Since I'm rather smart, I do occasionally have opinions on certain matters.  Any questions about me? Just comment!

Ok so now a little bit more about this blog.  There are many things I plan to post here.  One main things will be the occasional card review.  Other things include discussion on Minecraft, deck profils of my favorite decks that I make, discussion on politics and really just whatever.  Thanks for taking the time to read this and remember to check back for updates!