Tuesday 19 July 2011

Crystal Beasts

Ok so the deck type that I will discuss today, and possibly for the next few will be Crystal Beasts  and yes, I have a photo today.  So since this is a much more extensive archtype then the other's I have discussed to this point, I will only discuss the monsters in the entry.  All Crystal Beast monsters have the same clause that when they are destroyed they are placed in the S/T card zone as continuous spells.  This is the main focus of the entire deck and so it is very important.

First, there's Amber Mammoth. This card is mainly a beat-stick in the deck, but also can protect your other monsters from an attack.  If you boost it's attack with something like Horn of the Phantom Beast then it becomes quite strong.  Next on the picture is Amethist Cat, this decks direct attacker.  It can attack directly for 600 damage, but unfortunately it is quite weak.  This problem can be overcome however with Amber Mammoth.  Next there is Cobalt Eagle, who can spin any Crystal Beast on your field.  He's not really that good and the only purpose I know of is to spin Sapphire Pegasus to reuse his effect.  Other than that this card is pretty useless unless you want Rainbow Dragon.

Starting a new paragraph because I feel like I should.  Now we move on the the decks real star, Sapphire Pegasus.  This card searches out any other Crystal Beast when it's Summoned and puts it in your S/T card zone, of course as a continuous spell.  This card is fantastic in any build of Crystal Beasts that I have seen to date.  Comment if you think otherwise.  Following this we have Emerald Tortoise whose powerful 2000 DEF is great first duel, but I think it's wise to side this out right after to scare your opponents from attacking your set monsters.  It's effect isn't really that great other then after a direct attack from itself.  Ruby Carbuncle, the next monster, has great swarm potential.  It could pull out 4 other monsters, although that would be a very foolish thing to do.  More reasonably it could bring out maybe 2.  This being said, most Crystal Beasts decks would prefer monsters in the S/T card zone so this really isn't necessary.  Finally there is Topaz Tiger, the decks biggest beat-stick.  This card is simply a 2k beater when it attacks, but with Horn of the Phantom Beast that could be quite beneficial.

That's it for the monster lineup and as I said before, I can't be bothered to discuss the rest of the cards so thats all for now.  Thanks for reading and be sure to subscribe! I know it's getting repetitive me saying that but any new readers need to learn.

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