Wednesday 20 July 2011

Crystal Tengu

Deck credit to Black W Mage of Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker

Monsters (17)
3 Reborn Tengu

3 King Tiger Wanghu
2 Kuraz the Light Monarch

3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
3 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
2 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
1 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

Spells (12)
3 Pot of Duality
3 Rare Value
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Giant Trunade
1 Crystal Beacon

Traps (11)
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
1 Dust Tornado 

First, there's the moster lineup.  Reborn Tengu is just Reborn Tengu.  It's great for tribute fodder for the Kuraz because it revives itself, it's a target for Horn and it really is just all around great.  King Tiger Wanghu is another great card in this deck.  It's a level for like most of the monsters so it's good for xyz summons, and also it's effect rapes Tengu Plants.  Also, it's another target for Horn.  Kuraz is used to either rape opponents backrow before going in for the kill, or if you have extra Crystal Beasts in your S/T card zone, you can use it for added draw power.  On top of that, who doesn't like 2400 ATK?

Then there is the Crystal Beast lineup, beginning with Sapphire Pegasus.  Not only is the 1800 ATK pretty high, it's a Horn target meaning you can raise it to 2600 ATK.  Now, thats okay, but this monster is a +1 summon which is just crazy.  Next we have Topaz Tiger.  It's a 2k beater when it's attacking which runs over almost every level 4 or lower monster.  Since it is a beast, it is also a Horn target which can easily take your opponent by surprise.  Once it has Horn it's a 2800 beater that can run over almost anything.  Amber Mammoth is another good card.  It can pull an attack away from any of the other Crystal Beasts.  If you put Horn on this then it becomes a huge wall of 2500 ATK, strong enough to block tons of crap.  The final Crystal Beast is a solitary Ruby Carbuncle.  It's only got 300 ATK but it's great to rapidly swarm monsters and go into tons of xyz monsters.

The spell lineup is nearly entirely staples, other then Crystal Beacon and Rare Value.  Crystal Beacon searches out any Crystal Beast and can go from a +0 to a +1 if you pick Sapphire Pegasus, which is what I would generally pick.  Rare Value is more draw power and really one of the only uses for the Crystal Beasts in your Spells and Trap card zone.  You only need 2 or more Crystal Beasts in your S/T card zone and you get two cards which is pretty close to a +1.

The traps are also almost all staples and in fact, only Horn of the Phantom Beasts isn't one.  This card is just too good not to run in this deck.  It was basically the one card that let Hansel Aguero win the recent WCQ.  It's great to pull this out on one of your beasts in the Damage Step for a quick draw and to destroy your opponents monster.  Really this is just a great card.

Thanks for reading this and be sure to subscribe (I guess that's what I'll call it) by entering your email on the side.  Bye for now!

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