Friday 22 July 2011

Hamon Beatdown

Monsters [Total - 18]
3x Sapphire Pegasus
3x Topaz Tiger
3x Amber Mammoth
3x King Tiger Wagnhu
3x Reborn Tengu
2x Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder
1x Summoner Monk

Spells [Total - 16]
3x Burden of the Mighty
3x Rare Value
2x Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins
2x Crystal Blessing
2x Crystal Beacon
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Book of Moon

Traps [Total - 6]
3x Horn of the Phantom Beast
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Solemn Warning

Ok so once again I built this deck up on the spot so it's probably not the right way of building this but I'll give it a shot.

The Crystal Beast monster lineup is the same as most other decks.  Three copies of Pegasus to fill your S/T card zone as fast as possible.  The six others act as beaters mostly.  All of them can be equipped with Horn to surprise your opponent.  Horn is best on Mammoth in my opinion because this protects all other Crystal Beasts.  It's also good on Tiger because that lets you run over so much.

King Tiger Wanghu makes kills plants  and tons of other top tier decks like Sams. On top of this, it makes your Burdens even better because it adds destruction as a side effect of them.  I picked Tengu here because it's so good for Xyz summons now which adds more beatdown to this deck.   Both of these are also Horn targets bringing the total to 15 which is huge.  Hamon is just Hamon.  It's the decks best beater at 4k ATK and has a good burn effect to boot.  Summoner Monk searches out a Pegasus or whatever for an instant xyz with another card in your S/T card zone.

The spell lineup is pretty straight forward.  Three Burden to destroy so much stuff with Wanghu and it makes your monsters able to run anything over, especially with Horn.  On top of that it's an extra continuous spell for Hamon. Rare Value gives this deck the draw power it needs to be more consistant.  Rainbow Ruins doesn't waste S/T card zone space and is really quite good once you have enough Crystal Beasts.  Crystal Blessing refuels your S/T card zone after Hamon, or sets you up for it.  Crystal Beacon can SS Pegasus to get you totally ready for Hamon.  Other then that, it's all staples though you can kill your monsters like a boss with Dark Hole to get ready for Hamon.

Traps are so straight forward.  Three Horns because if you don't run them your doing it wrong.  Horn is just fantastic even in a build focused around Hamon.  Solemns are negation.  Warning even kills Macro Cosmos which screws these monsters.  Deck needs space for Tortoise, MST and maybe a bit more negation.

Thanks for reading everyone and please comment with help on this deck!  Enter your E-Mail on the side for updates.  Bye!

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