Saturday 23 July 2011


Monsters [Total - 21]
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Dark Armed Dragon

3x Stygian Security
3x Stygian Street Patrol
3x Cherry Inmato
2x Inmato
3x Grave Squirmer 
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
1x Sangan

Spells [Total - 11]
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Pot of Duality
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Book of Moon

Traps [Total - 8]
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Solemn Warning
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck [Total - 15]
3x Stygian Sergeants
12x Generic

So I haven't played this deck in a while, but I decided to profile it because it is really fun to play.  This deck is definitely not meta, I won't pretend it is, but it is good for casual play.  This is a combination of the Stygian archetype with the Inmato archetype.  The two archetypes have a surprising amount of synergy, but not too much.  As I said, deck really is only for casual play.  So I guess it's time to start explaining.

As always, I will begin with the monster lineup.  Caius the Shadow Monarch is a great card here.  While it is a tribute monster that requires an inherent -1, it banishes any card on the field and if it's DARK your opponent takes 1000 damage.  That makes it a +0 with the potential for a nice burn effect and with the ability to run a lot of things over.  Dark Armed Dragon is another great card here.  Since all the monsters are DARK, it has tons of fodder.  Need I say more about a card that was master of one of the only Tier 0 decks?

Moving on to the none-tribute monsters there is Stygian Street Patrol.  It's burn effect is pretty bad, so I don't need to talk about it that much.  A bit of burn is helpful, but 100x the level really isn't really enough to be significant.  This cards real potential is in it's second effect.  Special Summoning a monster from your hand is great.  You could use it as tribute fodder for Caius, it adds grave control to help with Dark Armed and it also sets you up for a quick synchro.  Stygian Security is a searcher, pulls out Grave Squirmer or itself and is really fun in general.

Cherry Inmato is another searcher that can pull off a quick synchro into a level 5, a quick xyz into a rank 2 or rank 3 or even just helps you block attacks.  If you want to know more about why I run it, just read the review I posted down below.  Inmato has a nice draw effect if your opponent plays D-Prison on your Cherry Inmato, or another Inmato.  This is really just here as a target for Cherry Inmato and it could pull off the occasional +1.

Grave Squirmer is a firstly just another target for Stygian.  It gives you some good destruction for your opponent and with Stygian Security it can give you Formula.  Tour Guide from the Underworld makes for a +0 xyz summon or searches out a Sangan to get another card from your deck later.  Sangan gets you any Inmato, Grave, Tour Guide or Squirmer and it's a Tour Guide target to it's pretty awesome in this deck,

Normally I don't run Duality but this deck isn't really too heavy on Special Summoning right away so I felt it could work here.  Allure adds draw power to the deck, which really is always important.  Duality adds draw power and also gives you a bit of grave control that this deck needs to help you with DAD.  Mystical Space Typhoon is also a card I don't normally run, but since there are some Spells and Traps that can damage this deck so much, it's good to have.

Dustshoot isn't a normal choice of mine, but seeing as how it won game 1 at WCQ, I decided to put it in here.  Much like the spells, this is full of staples.  I'm actually kinda thinking Oppression, but this deck isn't too explosive to be able to make a big play then flip this. On the other hand Oppression kills a lot of top tier decks so it's hard to decide.  If I did decide to play it I would drop Mirror because Mirror Force is a lot less important then it used to be.

Thanks for reading this.  Comment if you have any questions or anything.  Be sure to subscribe on the side, bye!

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